
their is no place like home todo.

the best contribution that a lover could offer would be to force me out of my cozy bed and into the sidewalks of responsibility.  my to do list has slowly grown into a novel and i can only find two things on it worth getting putting clothes on for.

the Deli
find a Record Player
import compact discs
buy groceries
cash checks
mail stuff to people i love
email people i care about
put up shelves
find a rug
paint a wall
make a Sol LeWitt piece to channel my true love
tell emily that two men want her

the Deli.  the concept.  a cooperative run deli that makes it by, by young individuals offering their services as volunteers.  this group in the community is beautiful. inspiring. and a stepping stone to the future of creating more intimate spaces for more beautiful. creative. young people.

how many of these could i find in my house.  i probably shouldnt keep grocery shopping out of my own refrigerator.  i think the record player  found wobbles.  i can steal the cabinet doors from the kitchen to make shelves.  i can import compact discs from bed.  i can channel my true love from bed, but that isnt as romantic as putting string all over the wall and dreaming of dreary days in north adams.

get me up if you love me.
(thats what he said)

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fighting the fear through casual acts of self.preservation.