
oh the potential.

woops. i broke my mickey phone.
found a record in it though.
                                                        casper land in troy.


if those were an eight and a half they would be mine.



Individuals that are homeless may use a descriptive address such as "under the west end of the Burnside Bridge." Applicants needing to use a descriptive address must provide a mailing address and proof that he or she is a resident of or domiciled in Oregon.

You will be required to complete a Certification of Oregon Residency or Domicile form and submit acceptable documents at the time of application. Acceptable proofs of residency and/or domicile are noted on the back of the form.


noise: the neighbors air conditioning through the open window of my bedroom.

for starts.

noise: when you put metal in the microwave.


the kit was beautiful.  i am not sure what someone would need three bristle brushes for.  the glass tube for tooth brushes is the best i have ever seen.
i also got a new bike phone.  i am debating whether i should get rid of my att phone and use the mickey or if i should try and turn it into a noise machine.
i think the record players speak for themselves.

without strategy

nails in the attic

i feel the day going further if i keep this image in my head.
these were supposed to be part of train tracks.
train track project i left behind in georgia.


noise: the sound of water running past your ears while standing in the shower.


today.  today i am becoming ready. stressed. ready. 
letting things roll off my back is a skill i feel i gained with patience. both virtues i hope to perfect. as they seem to come and go in this infant point.  i feel fairly confident about the next two weeks.  saying good byes for the second time this year in this town i have such strong feelings for.  watching my mother struggle with dillemmas.  remembering every thing will fall into place. 
one thing that i will gracefully reflect on today is a sense of confidence. confidence in choices, in self-awareness, in attitude, in self-preservation. in spite of always coming across as confident.  partly because i was.  i have been noticing a drastic change in the way that confidence feels.  my confidence in recent months seems less cocky. at times less contrived.  more sparsely noticed. although i cant say i recall noticing my feelings towards my confidence previously.  i feel a general positive disposition towards it now.  in simple terms. i like how my confidence has blossomed and i feel confident about where it is headed.  it feels healthy.

fenders reflected

borrowed the too high clunky raleigh from sava. i didnt have to use it. i got my schwinn back. thank goodness.  the couch is over priced and the picture is beautiful.
cant live without big eyes.
noise: the feeling you get when the album starts to skip.

.it is a lonely romance.

.three years of "self" portraits in the state of new york.
My photo
fighting the fear through casual acts of self.preservation.